Can You Use Oils on Acne Prone Skin?

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Photo Jul 19, 11 09 58 AMAfraid to use oils because you think they’ll clog your pores and cause breakouts? I’m here to resolve your fears. With high concentrations of vitamins, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, essential oils are proven to soothe, restore, and instantly transform skin. The added benefit of using essential oils is the body’s stress-release response to the molecules in the oil, which elicits a sense of wellbeing and calm.

An essential oil is a concentrated liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are simply known as the “oil of” the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. They are extremely concentrated; for example, it takes 16 pounds of peppermint leaves to yield one ounce of essential oil.

Pure essential oils can penetrate your skin because they are minuscule in molecular size. They are also very different than common carrier oils or fragrance oils that are found in most beauty products. If you see the word “fragrance”, “fragrance oil” or “perfume” on anything, you can assume the oils are synthetic; not natural.

There are numerous essential oils, each with specific benefits. A few of my favorites:

Avocado Seed Oil soothes, protects, and moisturizes skin with its high concentration of vitamins, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants.
Bergamot Oil is a natural antibiotic and disinfectant. The antibacterial action makes the oil great for those with acne, as it helps to kill bacteria on the skin before it can react to create blackheads and pimples. Bergamot has the added benefit of helping control excess oil production, thus, it attacks acne from two sides.
Cardamom Oil is rich in Vitamin C and manganese. It works as a potent antioxidant and detoxifies our whole body. The antiseptic property of cardamom oil is very helpful in treating a variety of skin infections and maintaining the health of hair.

Choosing a skin care formula that combines just the right combination of oils is the ideal way to ensure you will achieve the maximum benefits of the ingredients. My favorite is Skin Authority Oil Nutrient for Face, Hair & Nails.

Essential oils can be incorporated into any part of your skin care routine, but are particularly luxurious when included in masks and moisturizers. While wearing a mask, take long, slow, deep breaths to allow the oils to enter your body and calm your mind. When using a moisturizer with essential oils, massage in the product using slow, firm, upward circular motions for nourished skin and a clear mind.


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