In an anti-aging conversation, retinol is bound to come up. Whether you are calling it retinol, Vitamin A, or by one of its brand names, you are talking about a very popular skin care ingredient and powerful anti-aging tool. Sometimes you will hear glowing reviews ("My skin looks better than it did five years ago!") and other times you will hear about the challenges ("I don't want to deal with the redness and peeling"). So, what is retinol and how you can avoid some of the challenges that typically come with using it? What is it? Retinol, rentinoids, tretinoin, retinyl palmitate, and retinoic acid all are forms of vitamin A, which is essential for healthy eyes and skin. You may recognize it by brand names, including Retin-A, Renova, Refissa, or Atralin. When you apply vitamin A topically, the body absorbs the retinol and converts it to retinoic acid, the active form of vitamin ...