Melanoma & Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month. For many, May is just the beginning of a long summer, filled with days spent at the beach or lake, lounging by the pool, or out at sporting events in the sun. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement of getting a tan, but are those compliments on your “vacation glow” worth all of the risks and consequences of UV exposure?

Luckily, sunless tanners have continued to improve over the last few years, so it is as easy to safely achieve that bronzed glow as it is to put on lotion. But even if you have started religiously applying sunscreen and taking precautions to limit your sun exposure, you still need to be on the lookout for warning signs of skin cancer.

Here are some important prevention steps and warning signs:

  • SPF 15+ should be used every single day. Whether you are outdoors, driving in your car, or in an office with windows, you are exposed to UV rays. Make sure the sunscreen is labeled Broad Spectrum, and you should be blocking about 94% of rays. SPF 30 will block 97%, but anything above that will not block significantly more.
  • Don’t think sunscreen in the morning is enough. Even if you apply 1 ounce over your whole body prior to sun exposure, you still need to reapply every 2 hours or immediately after sweating. Enhance your protection with clothing, hats, and UV-blocking sunglasses.
  • Do weekly skin checks– and don’t just look. Run your hands over your skin to help observe any spots.
  •  Look for the ABCDE. Asymmetry in shape; Border that is not smooth or even; Change or varying color (black, brown with red, white, or blue); Diameter larger than an eraser head of a pencil; Elevated, raised above the skin’s surface.
  • Be proactive. Skin cancer is the most common cancer and has a 99% survival rate if caught early. If you ignore warning signs, it can lead to disfigurement and even death. Get your skin checked by a dermatologist every year and report anything suspicious.

Tip from your skin coach: Find sun protection that you actually enjoy applying. Look for products with additional anti-aging benefits, a luxurious texture, and without that “sunscreen smell” so you will enjoy applying it every day. Using a multipurpose sunscreen moisturizer will give you the protection and you will be used to applying it, just like you would apply your daily moisturizer.

For more information on skin cancer signs and prevention, visit The Skin Cancer Foundation. For those already battling cancer, we suggest a visit to the Look Good Feel Better Organization for beauty techniques, support, courage and community that will help you, or someone you love, face the challenge of a lifetime.

Your Skin Authority Skin Coach recommends:

Sunscreen Moisturizer 250AgeDefyingMoisturizer250

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