Based on recent positive studies, dermatologists are recommending topical probiotics as a component of an effective skin care strategy to combat four skin conditions: acne, rosacea, eczema and aging skin. According to an American Academy of Dermatology (published 01-30-14), "skin prone to acne or rosacea has shown improvement with daily probiotic use, giving dermatologists reason to consider supplementing traditional acne therapy with a dose of this beneficial bacteria." According to the article, there are different ways that topical probiotics can benefit the skin: Protective Shield In patients with acne and rosacea, living microorganisms on the skin are recognized as foreign by the body’s immune system. The immune system springs into action to counter this potential threat resulting in the inflammation, redness, or bumps common in these skin conditions. Probiotics applied topically sit on the skin’s surface and prevent the skin cells from seeing the bad bacteria and parasites that can cause this immune system response. This is known as “bacterial ...