Often in the beauty industry, we look at transformations that are immediate or over the course of a few months. Beauty and fashion trends change so rapidly, you can only look so far into the future. Lucky for us, beautiful, radiant skin is always in. Looking back ten years, many of us may cringe at the beauty and fashion trends we were trying, but here at Skin Authority were doing one thing right: officially dedicating ourselves to living the healthy skin lifestyle. As you can see, we received our first shipment of Skin Authority products to our garage. Fortunately, we now have a warehouse for receiving our shipments, but that personalized dedication to helping you has never wavered. As we enter our tenth year, we can see both the tremendous growth of Skin Authority and a firm devotion to our roots. Ten years ago, we dedicated ourselves to helping you live ...
Fact Friday: SGFs Explained
Chances are, you have heard about our amazing SGF-4 products, but do you know what SGFs are and why they are so effective?SGF stands for Skin Growth Factor. These Growth Factors are skin cell proteins that are found naturally in the cells of the body when we are younger. In SGF-4 TechnologyTM, Skin Authority uses four natural skin proteins that target and reprogram the aging process of skin cells. Basically, these proteins act as an instruction manual for damaged or aging cells and make the cells think that they are infant skin again. It replaces damaged skin DNA with fresh, new healthy skin cells.SGF-4 TechnologyTM uses medical research that began when human Growth Factors were used to help burn patients and were found to have amazing wound-healing strength. In 2001, studies were released citing that cosmetic creams incorporating various Growth Factors produced better results than Botox.Our trio of SGF products ...
Introducing the BeautyWorkout
Now that we have been together in the BeautyWorkoutTM Zone for a few weeks, you may be wondering what is this “BeautyWorkout” that is important enough to be the namesake of our blog. Like other successful, professionally guided personal improvement programs (think personal trainers, career coaching, nutritionists) Skin Authority brings together the goal setting, products, daily routines, and support needed to achieve and sustain a Healthy Skin Lifestyle. The three core elements of The BeautyWorkoutTM program are skin coaching, simple routines, and high performance products. Skin coaches are specially trained and certified professionals who eliminate the guesswork that is often associated with maintaining healthy skin. They listen to your needs, help set goals, recommend the best products, and hold your hand throughout the entire process. Skin Coaching is free and available in-person at select retail locations or virtually via phone, Skype, FaceTime, email, chat and other online tools. Simple daily skin care routines ...
Transformation Tuesday: Kerri Walsh Jennings
https://vimeo.com/74489471 Every two years, we start to pay avid attention to a set of elite athletes that will be representing our country in the Olympic Games. Conceptually, we know that years of blood, sweat, and tears have gone into their training, but often forget that it actually translates into many grueling hours every single day, affecting every element of their lives. Nutrition, physical fitness, mental wellbeing, and overall health are not only major aspects of becoming an Olympic-caliber athlete, but are also essential to a Healthy Skin Lifestyle. And considering skin is your biggest organ, you better believe that taking care of your skin is absolutely essential to being at your best to compete. Regardless of whether the athletes are competing in the Summer or Winter Games, when training outdoors for such an extended period of time, they are at increased risks for skin issues. Add onto that the stress of the sport, ...
Fact Friday: VitaD Inside and Out
Got Vitamin D? Not likely. One billion people worldwide are estimated to be Vitamin D deficient. As a skin care professional, I have researched Vitamin D for years because it is made in the skin. In fact, Vitamin D is the only vitamin which the body makes (all others come from food). After being made in the skin, Vitamin D is converted to a hormone. When Vitamin D hormone levels are balanced, a lot of skin conditions will improve such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and heavy wrinkling. In addition, Vitamin D… Sufficiency may be as important to disease prevention as eating healthy and working out. Deficiency may be linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, bone loss, eczema, psoriasis, depression, and many other serious health conditions. Directly or indirectly controls over 1,000 genes in the body. Seasonal variations (such as dreary weather in the winter), geographical location, and aging reduce our skin’s ability to manufacture Vitamin ...
Things We Love Thursday: Fitness
Fitness is a huge part of the Healthy Skin Lifestyle. We are lucky to live in San Diego, so we have a lot of varied types of fitness that we adore. From yoga to paddleboarding and cycling to hiking, we have many loves in the fitness department. Although we switch it up a lot to keep our muscles guessing and to fend off workout-boredom, these are some of the things we are loving (or loving to hate) in fitness right now: Iris, Esthetics Expert "I love triathlon training! SWIM-BIKE-RUN provides a mix in exercise! I love the feelings of having training "breakthroughs"- knowing I'm improving. I love to hate the constant feeling of soreness." Cortney, Sales Director Pacific Southwest Region (and our Fit Friday Yoga Instructor!) "I am able to share my passion for yoga with my Skin Healthy Lifestyle Team at the office. I love being able to practice what I preach! Plus in ...
10 Easy Tips to Improving Your Healthy Skin Lifestyle
We have 10 quick and easy tips you can use right now to make simple improvements to your healthy skin lifestyle: Wash your face every night. No excuses. Wear a Vitamin C under your sunscreen to enhance the protection Don’t always think, “less is more.” Count nutrients instead of calories to make sure you are getting what you need. Consistency is key. One workout won’t make you fit, just like one salad won’t make you healthy. (But remember it goes the other way too: one bad meal or missed workout won’t be the end of the world) Don’t wait until you have deep-set wrinkles to take action—use preventative measures. Learn to love your veggies. Take every opportunity to be thankful for what you have. Someone else is happy with less than what you have. Don’t only rely on cardio to burn calories. Strength training builds muscle and muscle burns more calories. Drink. More. Water. Fats are your friends. Eat healthy ...
The Transformative Powers of Vitamin D
Vitamin D has amazing transformative powers. For years, many people have looked to Vitamin C for both skin care and its immune system boosting capabilities, but Vitamin D is even more formidable in terms of immune health. Many people commonly associate D with laying out in the sun, but we have partnered with the Dole Nutrition Institute and have found a new inside-out approach to Vitamin D sufficiency that does not include the risks of sun damage. When talking about beauty, most people automatically think of what you see on the surface. While topically applying products to the surface is a vital step to a healthy glow, the layers of your skin that you can touch and feel are all dead, so we need to come at them from both the surface and below. With a topical application of Vitamin D, you can get an even, glowing skin tone and help improve ...
Fact Friday: What is Resurfacing?
By Iris Mata, Skin Authority Skin Coach During a recent trip to England, I visited William Shakespeare’s hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon. His childhood home was built in the 1600s and had long housed a beautiful wood dining table that was restored for display. Like most fragile antique pieces, a sign was posted, “Please do not touch.” No real repairs were needed, but its surface was freckled with dings and dents, scrapes and scratches, all which added character and uniqueness. Its beauty emanated from its age. I can imagine the process of resurfacing that went into this fragile, yet enduring piece: a sensitive buffering, adding a layer of hydration to the exposed wood to soften the surface, and a protective coat of color and sealant. This idea of resurfacing isn’t to cover its age but by definition: to put a new surface on (something); to refinish or repair the surface of (something).* Similarly, we can ...
Fall into Fabulous Skin with Five Insider Secrets
The newest fall fashions won’t look as glam if your skin is post-summer dull. After all that summer sun, serious skin damage control is in order. Just as you swap out your shorts for sweaters in anticipation of cooler temps, do the same with your skin care products. Become a skin care superstar with these five tips: Use the change of season to inventory your skin care stash, toss old items and figure out what you truly need. When it comes to products - forget hoarding 20 - you only need two or three. In the morning, I suggest a mild gel cleanser, an antioxidant such as Vitamin C, and a sunscreen moisturizer. Before going to bed, use resurfacing ingredients such as AHAs and retinols in addition to restorative peptides. Fall brings dry air, allergies and reduced exposure to sunlight, all of which affect your skin. To counteract the dryer air, take ...