How SkinSuit™ Can Enhance Your Skin Care Products

Everyone knows that certain ingredients and products have different benefits to them, but did you know that SkinSuit™ by Skin Authority, along with its own benefits, actually enhances the benefits of other products it is used in tandem with? This powerful product does so much more than simply add a layer of protection to keep your skin healthy and glowing, but when it is combined with your other favorite Skin Authority products it will actually enhance their effectiveness and bring out your best possible skin.  SkinSuit + Super-C Serum Slowing signs of aging doesn’t have to be a long process, especially if we have anything to say about it. SkinSuit protects your skin from environmental aggressors before damage occurs while the Super-C Serum brings Vitamin C together with antioxidants to increase skin firmness, tone, brightness, and photo aging protection. Combining the two will give your skin the boost it needs to reduce ...