Research Backs Up Why You Should Swear Off Sugar


The dangers of eating too much sugar go way beyond the negative effects on your waistline and health. It is a quick (and permanent) path to advanced skin aging. In my speaking engagements across the country, I often receive the attention of everyone in the room when sharing theWorld Health Organization targets hidden sugar as the #1 health issue globally.  WHO has been strongly advocating that adults and children reduce their daily intake of free sugars to less than 10% of their total energy intake.  Because the link between sugar intake and obesity is reaching new heights in the U. S., the government finally released new guidelines advocating the dangers of high intake of processed sugar products, simple carbohydrates (think bagels, energy bars) and artificial sweeteners (think fat free is not free!). WHO evidence shows: Adults who consume less sugar have lower body weight. Increasing the amount of sugars in the diet is associated with a weight increase. Children with the highest intakes ...