Fact Friday: VitaD Inside and Out


Got Vitamin D? Not likely. One billion people worldwide are estimated to be Vitamin D deficient. As a skin care professional, I have researched Vitamin D for years because it is made in the skin. In fact, Vitamin D is the only vitamin which the body makes (all others come from food). After being made in the skin, Vitamin D is converted to a hormone. When Vitamin D hormone levels are balanced, a lot of skin conditions will improve such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and heavy wrinkling.   In addition, Vitamin D… Sufficiency may be as important to disease prevention as eating healthy and working out. Deficiency may be linked to cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, bone loss, eczema, psoriasis, depression, and many other serious health conditions. Directly or indirectly controls over 1,000 genes in the body. Seasonal variations (such as dreary weather in the winter), geographical location, and aging reduce our skin’s ability to manufacture Vitamin ...

Fall into Fabulous Skin with Five Insider Secrets

The newest fall fashions won’t look as glam if your skin is post-summer dull. After all that summer sun, serious skin damage control is in order. Just as you swap out your shorts for sweaters in anticipation of cooler temps, do the same with your skin care products. Become a skin care superstar with these five tips: Use the change of season to inventory your skin care stash, toss old items and figure out what you truly need. When it comes to products - forget hoarding 20 - you only need two or three. In the morning, I suggest a mild gel cleanser, an antioxidant such as Vitamin C, and a sunscreen moisturizer. Before going to bed, use resurfacing ingredients such as AHAs and retinols in addition to restorative peptides. Fall brings dry air, allergies and reduced exposure to sunlight, all of which affect your skin. To counteract the dryer air, take ...

Fresh Food and a Feast


Although many of us have assumed a correlation between nutrition and cosmetic appearance, in the past, true clinical studies to support this conclusion have been virtually non-existent. Recently however, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition actually published clinical results with studies establishing direct connects between proper nutrition and signs of aging. Regardless of sex, age, race, or health condition, people with proper levels of Vitamin C present in the skin had less wrinkles than those without proper levels of Vitamin C. People who had diets high in carbohydrates had advanced signs of aging as well as skin atrophy. As I’ve looked at how to enhance the healthy eating rituals in my family for better health and skin beauty, all roads lead back to eating what comes directly from the earth. Fresh produce is not only healthier for you but it also tastes amazing without a lot of preparation. I was never a huge tomato fan ...

Natural Beauty in the City That Never Sleeps


Every time I am in New York, I am reminded of how much I love the energy of the city. It truly is a city that never sleeps. Sleep is something the makeup crew at MSNBC doesn't get much of. I was at 30 Rock bright and early this morning to participate in a couple of segments on MSNBC's business show. The lovely woman doing my makeup had been on the set since 3:30 a.m., prepping the morning news team. Despite her early start, she looked radiant. She wasn't wearing any makeup. No foundation, no mascara, no lipstick: just raw natural beauty. Her hair was closely cropped in a boy cut and her skin was as smooth and transparent as a toddler's. The catch is that she was no toddler, but probably in her early 60s, but she looked 15 years younger. She had fine natural lines so it was ...

Helping Our Daughters Attain Skin Health And Self-Esteem


As a parent, all the milestones pass so quickly: The first birthday, walking, talking, homemade mother's day cards. Each step you are there to guide and protect. Before I could blink an eye, high school has arrived. I am now officially the mom of a freshman. It is a time when a little separation begins to occur and parental input is not as quickly accepted. It is a time of seeking independence yet definitely wanting to blend in. Through constant communication via Snapchat and other tools, the girls know ahead of time what to wear, who will be there, where to meet, etc. Perfectly coordinated to not stand out in the crowd. That same technology also creates an almost unobtainable sense of perfection. They can photoshop away imperfections to project a perfect image in their digital worlds. In the real world of meeting face to face, it is not so ...

Welcome to the BeautyWorkout Zone


Skin Authority CEO, Celeste Hilling, Welcomes You To The BeautyWorkout Zone! Skin is often thought of as something we peel, pluck, shave, and cover with foundation. But today, we know that it is so much more. Science now substantiates that skin plays a key role in our overall well-being; it acts as the body’s heater and air conditioner, shock absorber for your inner organs, production source for key hormones like Vitamin D, and additional antioxidants. Ten years ago we trademarked the tagline "Live The Healthy Skin Lifestyle” with a goal to deliver the tools, education and support necessary to achieve a lifetime of healthy radiant skin. This means partnering with you through all of the phases of your life. This mission has permeated and guided every decision we have made in the last ten years from the customer relationships we have forged to the technology and product innovations we deliver. Most ...

Simple Expressions


How many times have you said, “Oh, it was simple.” I bet you say it often. Though, was “it” – the birthday party, charity event, presentation, conversation with a loved one, etc. – truly simple? It seems the things that were created to make our lives easier and simple - BlackBerries, iPhones, iPods - actually complicate our daily lives. I admit that I multi-task constantly and it’s not simple, relaxing, or, for that matter, safe (particularly when you are driving!). Seriously, can’t we all take a breath, pause and make things simple? I recently met up with a family member I hadn’t seen in a while. She has been under a lot of stress lately and it really was beginning to show on her face and in her body language. I know from experience that a small change in her appearance could have a profound change in her own attitude. But ...